Our Story

“When I launched the very first Women’s Wellness Circle in the fall of 2004 to nurture, uplift and empower women in my community, I knew that my commitment was for the long term.

Still, it amazes me and brings a huge smile to my face and warmth to my heart when I realize that these many years later, I have had the honour and privilege of sitting in Circle, every month since.

The women who gather, the presenters who share their stories and passion, and the energy we all co-create is my fuel…and what fuel it is!

After these many years, and the growth of Women’s Wellness Circles and hosts in many more communities, I can say that I have done the research: When women gather, magic happens. I hope you’ll join us!”

– Jill

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Sponsor: Nature's Emporium
© Copyright Women's Wellness Circles 2022