
Me First! - Image of woman with arms in the air and confetti falling

Humans have a natural inclination to want to be first for things.

Among many positive perks, it provides an enjoyable dose of serotonin – that happy neurochemical that gets activated when we feel capable and proud.

As a child, having ‘first pick’ as to whom will be on your team for a sport, or to be the fist to pick a cookie off a platter, or to be the person to make the decision during gym class as to what game everyone will play… all of these examples give you an incredible sense of pleasure and power.

As well, receiving the top grade in a class, getting the highest mark on a test, or winning the gold medal in a race are significant accomplishments many people dream of and strive for.  These types of ‘firsts’ are important, because they make the people feel so good.

Not to mention, certain ‘firsts’ can be powerful and memorable, like your ‘first kiss’, ‘first date’ and ‘first love.’

There are times, of course, that being first isn’t necessarily favourable. For example, if you don’t like to public speak and you are chosen as the first in a group to deliver your presentation, then that may be incredibly nerve wracking and something you’d rather avoid.

In some cases, it’s probably even better to not be first and instead to wait and see how things go. This is true especially when it comes to a new product or service that’s been introduced to the marketplace that could have potential kinks or adverse side effects which need to be learned about and corrected before delivering it to the masses.

While people in general seem to be naturally wired to strive for ‘firsts’, it’s very interesting and intriguing that there is a particular area in life where many people avoid it. Can you guess what I’m referring to?

It’s the realm of ‘Putting Yourself First.’

When it comes to knowing and acting upon what is important to oneself, such as values, beliefs, and needs, many people fall short. They either avoid, ignore, or simply do not understand these essential parts of themselves.

For some reason, these ‘inner-driven-firsts’ that begin and end with oneself seem to be a trickier area for a lot of people to prioritize, especially for women.

Personally, I think this is the most important type of ‘first’. Thus, it is a big part of what makes our Women’s Wellness Circles so essential and valuable.

In each gathering, women have the opportunity to prioritize themselves first. It is a precious time to become familiar with and to better understand their own needs and preferences, as they are temporarily away from the distractions of other daily life responsibilities. Simultaneously, women in Circle learn useful strategies to better honour, nurture and care for themselves.

My own life path is an ongoing journey of these very concepts! In fact, it’s the main reason why I started the first Women’s Wellness Circle seventeen years ago, which has since grown to multiple locations across Canada. Clearly, others have a need for this as well.

Of course, there really is no end to this learning curve, because as humans we are constantly growing and changing. This is why it’s so important that we have spaces and places where we feel welcomed and encouraged to tune into ourselves on a regular basis.

This is true especially when there are so many ways we can avoid investing into this crucial self-exploration. Here are some common culprits:

  • Keeping busy
  • Gossiping
  • Going from one relationship to the next
  • Overly focusing on the needs of others
  • Believing that we never have enough time

The great news is that once we take a break from the tendency to focus outwards first, and we begin to focus inwardly, we become better acquainted with the most important person in our lives… ourselves!

Then, when we return to our daily life activities, careers, and relationships, we are in better alignment.  We feel recharged, and we have more to give.

Plus, we can more clearly see reality and can know what needs more of our attention, what we need to let go of, what can be improved, and what we can simply accept as it is.

If there are unhealthy behaviours, incompatibility, or dysfunction, we can quickly and easily recognize it and attend to it, without staying stuck in denial, getting into messy dramas, or wasting our precious time.

Putting ourselves first, indeed saves us time and energy! It is certainly not selfish. Rather it’s self-loving, and others benefit, too.

In most cases our lives are not usually in a desperate situation. We simply need to be more present, and that can only happen when we feel nurtured, understood, and connected… with ourselves first.

‘Wishing you a wonderful new year of personal growth, self-exploration and putting yourself first – in the most loving, kind, and supportive way.


Circles of Gratitude,



Founder & Mentor of Women’s Wellness Circles

Lovely scenery seen through a circular tube

It’s not possible to know the ripple that will occur from a “Yes”.

How can we anticipate what will come when we take that first step? Truly we can’t.

It’s not until we walk the path that upon which we can reflect and see all that has occurred and rippled out, can we know the result. And even then, there are always more ripples yet to be seen!

Sometimes in life, saying ‘yes’ can be challenging for that very reason! It leads us to all the uncertainty and potential ‘what ifs…’  However, inevitably it is in the steps we take that we make progress. Truly, a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ determines where we go, and making decisions is how we grow.

When I first became a Women’s Wellness Circle host in 2015, I knew in my heart-of-hearts that it was exactly what I needed to do and where I needed to be. However, what I never could have seen then was just how far and wide Circle would end up carrying me.

I hosted my last in-person Oshawa Women’s Wellness Circle in March of 2020. My dear friend, Lorree, was presenting alongside me. We didn’t know it at the time, but we would move into our first lockdown just two days later.

Recently looking back at the theme and description of that Circle, I got shivers!

Here is what it said:

“We have heard that our life purpose is about the journey along the way, and all we receive from the experiences, not the destination. Our soul is here for adventure, it’s going to attract a wide variety of experiences we are meant to fully feel and move through along our path to awaken our consciousness. We are here to journey through life collectively and individually with all of our senses.”

In Circle that evening, we worked through and accepted the concept that we are here to experience life fully, and in our own unique way.  There is no need to compare, because it will look different for us all. That is more that OK; it’s the way!

Little did we know how important and powerful that gathering would be to assist in preparing us for what was about to come… a global crisis that affected everyone both similarly and in vastly different ways.

Once the world shifted, many of my Women’s Wellness Circle host sisters had a similar approach and continued to host their Circles online. They have been thriving with this approach since.

There are so many positives to shifting to online Circle and to not pausing until in-person could meet again.  One is a seamless continued connection.  As well, there can be an unlimited geographical reach for participants to join, and here is the ability to invite wonderful presenters from distant regions, who wouldn’t otherwise be able to share their wisdom.

Personally, I tried hosting Circle online; and even though there were many positives, it just didn’t work for me. So, I made a very challenging personal decision to put Circle on hold and wait and see.

While I honored my intuition, and my unique path; by saying YES to what I was feeling, there were still many ‘ifs’ around that decision, such as:

  • What if I lose my connection to the community?
  • What if I lose my connection to my sisters?
  • What if I lose touch with all the great teachers?

To give me a more well-rounded perspective, I took time to reflect and notice the ongoing ripples Circle had left in my life and the lives of the hundreds of women who had attended consistently over the previous five years.

We learned lesson after lesson about honoring ourselves, trusting in our ability to make decisions, and feeling through the fear so we could move forward with confidence and inner clarity. I was being called to implement and role-model this learning in my life, and as a Circle host as well.

Exactly one year after my last Circle in March 2020, I had the opportunity to move my business to “Souls Path,” a gorgeous 60-acre property in Blackstock, ON.

Being zoned as a recreational space, they had options which allowed for in-person Circle again! I was now able to recommence Circle in the way my heart knew was most aligned and true to me.

The added bonus was that many other likeminded holistic women are working here as well.  This has led to a new and expanded pool of teachers and talent to offer our attendees.  In addition, excellent local practitioners have also been coming to enjoy the space!

I’m so thankful I listened to my inner voice and trusted that the energy and ripples of all my Circle lessons would carry me forward, even when I chose to pause.  As a result, indeed they did.

I’ve been carried forward all the way to a new expansive, nature-filled space, a vibrant and conscious community, and an opportunity for me to return to Circle, in a Full Circle way.

To Trusting and Honouring Your Journey,


Amanda Perrone

Moon Mother, WWC Host Blackstock




I Am - photo of a blue heron bird

Did you know that anything you say after the word “I AM,” you become?

This is because words cast powerful spells. That’s why it’s called “spelling”.

I read this passage and reflected on where I find myself today.

It had me thinking of some of the words I have used in spelling my self-talk prior to the pandemic and how self-talk changed during it. This has led to a big shift.

To give context, fourteen months into the pandemic, I still had not been working at my regular job. This gave me a chance to reflect and come to the realization that there was more to my life than what I had been living.

This began a conscious inquiry, “What am I weaving into my reality?” “Is it in alignment with what I am wanting for my life?”

Although this wasn’t my original plan, in my late 40s, I found myself single, with no children, no job and no attachments. I realized that I was free to make changes and to do what I really wanted.

As a precocious child, I had a questioning mind. I was curious about how others chose to live their lives- and would often wonder “what if”.

This quality stayed with me, although it was dormant. However, during the pandemic I could feel a shift happening.  Suddenly I was asking important questions and noticed myself drawn to the idea of moving.  My mind was asking, “What if…?”

Living in Ontario, I had vacationed on the East Coast a few times in recent years and remembered the immense forests and the calm feeling of being by the ocean.  This inspired a longer-term plan to possibly retire down east.

However, as I started reading articles of young families looking for affordable living and others that were choosing this time to pick-up and make a move, I started to entertain the idea for myself.

Wanting a more simplified life, with less restriction and more ease, I was drawn to the open space and less congestion of the East Coast.

I realized that I had started spelling the words, “I am a dreamer” into my life.

This excitement led me to contacting my Human Resources department and asking if a transfer could be possible.

I also started talking to friends and family about this idea of moving eastward. These connections and conversations eventually led me to New Brunswick.

Taking a leap of faith, I sold my home, hired a moving company, and bought a house online sight unseen during a pandemic! During this process I kept noticing the easy energy around the whole process. This synergy helped guide me; the decisions felt right. More spelling appeared in my reality: “I am courageous.”

My connection to Women’s Wellness Circles came in the early months of the pandemic, following my lay-off from work. I had been looking at what was important to me, and how I could bring more of who I am out into the world.

Meeting Jill and taking the host training gave me an outlet to pursue something new in myself and to share it with the world. I enjoyed making connections with fellow hosts and started a Women’s Wellness Circle with a co-host in my hometown of Cambridge. It was simple and something positive to put my energy into. I have been so moved by the authentic women in this circle. This energy had me spelling more words into my reality, “I am inspired.”

As a yoga instructor, I’ve enjoyed bringing people together and sharing a sacred and communal experience in class. At my workplace as a manager, I’m a communicator and must make sure everyone’s needs are met and they are feeling included. More insights are being spelled…” I am a connecter.”

Last but not least, I noticed the Blue Heron as a reoccurring guide during this transition.  When we were initially looking for a space to host our first Circle in Cambridge, we made a connection with a holistic shop, The Purple Door, where I purchased a card deck of animal guides. This deck has a Blue Heron on the case cover. Where I’ve moved to in New Brunswick, the Hampton city signage has a blue heron with the slogan “It’s our nature”.  All summer in my new home, I would see blue herons flying overhead. It was intriguing to make this connection once I was living down East.  More spelling as I recognize that, “I am listening and receiving.”

When I look back, I can connect the dots of the thoughts, words and actions that brought me here to my new home in Hampton, New Brunswick. I’m getting my feet wet. I’m making connections, and I am looking forward to staring a Circle in the new year.

Spelling it out for myself…. “I am a woman, I am a wise woman, I am a yogi, I am a practicing Ayurveda Auntie, I am a Women’s Wellness Circle member and Host. I am a lifelong learner…”

Most importantly, I am living it all – the adventure of my life.  I AM HERE.

What are you spelling into your life?


Jennifer Bruder

Women’s Wellness Circle Host
Hampton, New Brunswick

Fall Onward

Here we are once again at what feels like the unofficial New Year – the beginning of the Fall season.

As the school year, work routines, and social activities recommence here in North America, a new cycle unfolds.

Along with it, the air turns fresh and crisp, the colours of nature light up our environment, and simultaneously we begin to stir inside.

Change is happening, and we can feel it.

Typically, this has been a time to make room for new ideas, projects, learnings, and activities. Much has changed in the world and in our personal lives over the past year and a half, so that it may not look like it usually does for many of us.

Thankfully, the rhythm of nature stays in a constant flow, and her cyclical container that envelops us, provides us all with gentle reminders and nudging guidance on where and how to place our energy.

Another place that provides me with inspiration and insight is in the Magnolia Magazine, to which I subscribe and I joyfully delve into each issue as soon as it arrives.

The fall edition was titled, “Forward Motion”, and one of the writings was so moving for me that I wish to share it with you.

Year after Year, Autumn Returns to the World in Her own Good Time

“She can sneak up subtly or arrive all of a sudden. Either way, she rides in on wild winds and under a harvest moon the colour of honey. She comes to dim the daylight and stretch out the night. She colours the trees and urges the songbirds southward. She has returned to set the natural world afire, to bring the sun low, to usher in the fall of a year – a time so very familiar to us and, yet, always anew. Wherever she goes, autumn lights up the senses and stirs up memories. She wields the power to enchant us all – in fact – to transport us back in time, back into ourselves. One way or another, the amber magic seeps into each and every one of us. And while the natural world softly fades into winter, autumn is busy changing us from within. She whispers gently, speaking silent incantations to both body and soul, reminders of just how far we have come and how far we still have to go.

Autumn reminds us to harvest the best from another year of life lived. Reminds us to savor these moments of transformation. Reminds us that all things must pass from gold to grey before they can come to life again. Reminds us there is no going back. Change is the only way forward, the only way onward. Don’t be afraid. You have been here before. You will come here again.

Come, she says, let us go together. Forever onward, hand in hand.”

There are so many wonderful journal promptings from this piece. I encourage you to sit with a notepad or journal and contemplate this entry. See what comes to mind for you, how it speaks to you, and what personal meaning you derive from it.

For me, it was a reminder that no matter how crazy the happenings of the world are right now, we can find comfort in the cycles of our life and feel embraced by how nature constantly moves forward with the familiar and the new.

Walking down the street, sitting in a nearby park, or simply looking out a window, the colours of autumn beckon us to drink in the panorama of this beautiful place we call home.

In our busy schedules, we can, if we choose, create time to slow down and take it in, before this, too, passes and cycles into winter.

The Women’s Wellness Circles have offered me the chance to tune into the seasons and to bring in presenters that offer a complementary gift to support the energy of topics, themes and current issues that are showing up in our lives.

Like nature, Circle is a constant and yet ever-changing energy exchange. It’s where every-day magic happens.

May this season bring you magic and an opportunity to acknowledge the road you have travelled to get here and a vision of what you want to create in the days and months ahead.

Let fall enchant you, transport you back into yourself and provide blessings of awareness and abundance for this harvest season.


Karen Armstrong

WWC Host, Newmarket/EG

Reiki Master, Biophoton Light Therapist & Enneagram Coach