
Twenty years ago, a good friend invited me to attend a women’s gathering with her.  I happily accepted the offer and was looking forward to joining her.  When we arrived however, a rather unsettling situation transpired…

Unbeknownst to my friend, it was a ‘closed group’. If anyone wanted to bring a friend, they had to run it by the main organizers ahead of time.  Without a lot of details, I can tell you that my friend wasn’t aware of this requirement and was consequently shocked and very apologetic.

Personally, I felt quite uncomfortable immediately feeling unwelcomed, especially when I had been looking forward so much to attending.

After some discussion between the organizers… while I waited… I was ‘allowed to stay’.   In fact, at the end of the evening, I was invited to attend future gatherings as well. I guess I passed the test!

Although I felt awkward and had a hard time truly settling into the experience, I made the most of the evening.  However, needless to say, I never did return.

The experience felt odd— like a high school clique was deciding on whether or not another student could be part of their posse.  Also, their rules and their management of this unique situation didn’t feel like it matched the ultimate mission of what my friend thought this group was about:  to empower and support women.


Uncomfortable situations like this can be wonderful learning and clarifying opportunities for us to better understand who we are and how we personally want to show up and manage ourselves in the world.

Do you have an example from your own life?  I’m sure you do.

Interestingly enough, I later heard a saying, “When everyone is invited, no one is invited.”

What does that mean?  From my understanding, it speaks to the point that if an event is open to whomever would like to attend, then it is not actually ‘invitationally based’.  The event also can’t genuinely cater in a special way to those who attend it.

This statement created an ‘ah-ha’ moment for me — especially after having had the interesting experience with my friend that I shared above. It made me realize that having parameters on an event and who it is for, is not only okay; it’s important if we want to activate a certain amount of energy and focus.

Nonetheless, parameters should be clear to everyone, right from the get-go.  In addition, they certainly should not be thrown around at the last minute, when a guest has just arrived at the door.

This combined awareness led me to a strong and clear inner knowing that if/when I was to start any kind of wellness group, I would make sure that everyone felt warmly welcomed.  Any necessary or defining parameters on whom the event was for would make sense and be clear to everyone well ahead of time.

When I first started Women’s Wellness Circles, I made it straightforward and inclusive, with only two simple and easy criteria that continue today:  it’s open to women who are 18 years of age and older.

Because of this, the first Women’s Wellness Circle that began in my hometown 16 years ago has grown in popularity.  As well, I have since mentored the training and launch of numerous other locations in Ontario, and more across Canada are coming soon.

Of course, there are other aspects to the format and structure that make Women’s Wellness Circles work so well.  The important ones are the valuable wellness information that is shared, the community spirit that is felt, the affordability, accessibility and monthly consistency.  The most important aspect is the fact that it draws amazing women!

The hosts, presenters, and attendees are heartfelt and wellness-oriented women who are down-to-earth, kind, and respectful.  The energy and experience we co-create is incredible!


Since there are so many monthly Women’s Wellness Circles running in various locations, we continue to achieve and surpass our goal. This is a very rewarding and fulfilling endeavour.

If you are interested, I run seasonal trainings for new hosts who want to join in our mission to uplift and nourish the world, one Circle gathering at a time.

If you think this may be an initiative that you would like to be part of, I would be happy to chat!

Circles of Inclusivity and Expansion,

Jill Hewlett

Founder & Mentor
Women’s Wellness Circles

The Seasons have shifted as they always do, and I’m so grateful to have the pleasure of writing and connecting with all of you once again.

Our planet recently celebrated the Solstice. Those in the Southern Hemisphere welcomed the beginning of winter. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we welcomed in summer.

In my work, I enjoy teaching about honouring and celebrating the Seasons and other important and sacred earthly events such as the Solstice, Equinox, Eclipses, and Moon Phases.

With the right knowledge and tools, we can dedicate our heartfelt focus and spiritual energy on the opportunity and energy each special transition brings.

Here’s a brief explanation of just a few of our most recent universal events and how they may impact, elevate or challenge you…

Solstice: The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. It literally means “sun standing still”. The light of this day has a huge impact on us and signals the start of summer. Just like a flower, the Sun and the Season open us up to receive and to give, such as bringing our ideas to life or receiving a bountiful harvest and sharing it with the world.

Eclipses: Eclipses run in families, and each one is connected to the next. Every 18 years a particular “family” returns, and we are offered the opportunity to “eclipse” patterns and habits out of our lives. This can be challenging as the past may resurface for clearing. However, if we are aware, we can actively work with the energy and evolve.

Moon Phases: The Moon Phases offer us a guide in the sky. Each phase brings its own unique energy to move creation forward. The Moon is there to remind us that everything is a phase, and both growth and release is essential to creation. It raises or lowers the waters in our bodies and on our earth, keeping us in balance and flow.

What I appreciate most about these universal events is that they are constant, predictable and always come Full Circle.

They also give us the opportunity to connect us to our greater humanity. By acknowledging and knowing them, we are reminded we are all one. Each cycle can be seen, felt, and celebrated individually, in our local communities, and globally – simultaneously.

While the world is full of unpredictable circumstances and ambiguity that can be difficult to navigate, there is so much comfort to the rhythm, repetition and awareness in these consistent celestial patterns and cycles. It is especially comforting to know we are moving through it together.

In a similar way, as a Globe we are still moving through this pandemic together. We have our individual experience and our collectively shared experience.

I heard a quote recently that really resonated, “We are all in the same storm, but we have different boats.” – Author Unknown

I believe we are all energy, and we come from the same source. Yet, while we all come from that same source, we incarnated into separate containers, vessels or “boats”.

Depending on the conditions, environment and our unique attributes, we have vastly different experiences. This is not to be ignored but rather used to inform and guide us.

As we come out of quarantine and move forward, we all do so on our own and collectively. I invite us to take the lead from Nature and remember these simple and profound principles:

  • We are meant to Transition Together and Individually: How everyone’s “container” looks will be different for each person. A larger scale example is summer in the Northern Hemisphere is winter in the Southern.
  • Even if you can’t see the next phase yet, Transition is Inevitable: Although it can’t yet be felt, seen or heard, we know Autumn will eventually follow Summer. The moment the Moon turns Full it is already Waning or shrinking. Life is full of constant, inevitable transitions, with one leading to the next.
  • Full Circle is Inevitable: There is comfort in the Circle of Life. There is no end and no beginning; there is only flow. In moments of Fullness we can celebrate and prepare. In moments of Waning we can accept the phase knowing once we do it is already changing.

These guiding principles have created a great faith in the intelligence of the planet and have served me well in my life, especially during these recent times of uncertainty.

Knowing there is a higher order working on our behalf gives my soul comfort and a sense safety that I require to follow the natural and intelligent divine order.

Wishing you all a Sweet Summer Season,

Amanda Perrone

Moon Mother