
Is there something in your life that needs to change, improve, be re-framed or perhaps released?

There’s a good chance there is and during this pandemic, it’s become harder and harder to ignore.

Can you relate?

While humanity as a whole is dealing with the common issue of COVID-19, on an individual level we are all being asked to step up and face personal and professional issues that need to be addressed.

How do we know this?

Well, it’s “written in the stars”. As well, you can probably feel it.

In this month’s online Women’s Wellness Circle hosted by our Toronto East End location, my dear friend and internationally recognized astrologer, Crystal Eves, was our inspired presenter.

She talked to us about the intense planetary alignment that is occurring and how it’s impacting us globally and individually.


What the heck does that mean?

Collectively we are in a very powerful time that will last until the end of the year. Yes, this is a marathon, not a sprint; so don’t hold your breath.

While COVID-19 is impacting us on a global and planetary level, it is also affecting us individually – in unique, important, and powerful ways.

We are all being called to notice, to take stock of, and to change the part(s) of our lives that no longer serve us.

Will it be hard to figure out what this issue is?  Nope, it’s obvious, and it’s probably been around for a while.

In Crystal’s words, “the pandemic planetary alignment is not only like spotting a grizzly, it’s like finding one in your kitchen. Or your bed. Or your work cubicle. Each situation, of course, having its own ramifications.”

The trick is to not ignore this awareness that is being highlighted, or to fool yourself into believing that it will go away on its own. Because it won’t; it will only grow stronger.

While this may feel daunting, it has ‘opportunity’ written all over it!

Our lives, in many ways, have been flipped 180 degrees. There is no normal.  We must find new methods, habits and patterns anyway. Therefore, why not leverage this and make strategic and worthwhile changes that are in your best interest?

According to Crystal, “your grizzly might be your financial management, now revealing itself as unable to absorb disruptions. It might be your relationship, whose dysfunctional dynamics have become undeniable after weeks of quarantine. Your grizzly might be your health and any regrets you have about not making lifestyle changes that would have reduced your vulnerability to the virus.”

As well, Crystal adds that, “Your grizzly isn’t necessarily bad, or even a problem— it’s just the thing that has become urgent or obvious. This could mean that the circumstances of the pandemic have caused you to remember that you love performing music and that you weren’t honouring this before. Maybe you’re seeing, that despite what you have told yourself for years, the reason you don’t write that novel is not a lack of time, but instead a lack of confidence. Maybe after months in lockdown, you are rethinking the life choices that have kept you from spending precious time with loved ones.”

Well, I can tell you that everyone who attended that online Circle became very clear and excited to tackle their own Grizzly!  And the best part, we know that we aren’t doing this alone. Everyone has their own challenge to confront and opportunities to seize. Sharing in this conversation, in the space of Circle, made it that much more welcoming, safe and supported.

If you’d like a personal reading to find out more specific details on the planetary dance that is happening in your chart, you can contact Crystal directly at:

In the meantime, I offer you many blessings as you take the courage and steps to greet that bear that is staring right at you, calling your name, and asking you to give it the attention and care it deserves.


With love,

Jill Hewlett

Founder & Mentor
Women’s Wellness Circles

It is no surprise that our current worldwide Covid19 health conditions are changing the way we interact on a personal and business basis. Our monthly Women’s Wellness Circles are no exception.

As the social distancing measures rolled out the third week of March 2020, and the Newmarket/East Gwillimbury Circle was fast approaching on the fourth Thursday, a decision needed to be made.

As the host, I made the quick decision to try something different and bring March Circle online.

This experience was new to me.  However, I had a fantastic coach in Dany Spencer who led me through tutorials and thankfully the Zoom meeting platform is a very user-friendly program. Dany posted a simple reference sheet on the Facebook Circle event page, and I found a short YouTube tutorial to share.

The response for March’s topic and presenter, Chris Anne Donnelly, was strong.  I wondered if it could be as meaningful to connect through our computers or Smartphone screens as it is in our monthly, in person gatherings.

Our night arrived, and to my thrill, 35 women joined in. Not only did I have my local attendees, with the virtual venue I had women join from B.C., Toronto, Collingwood, and Bracebridge.  As well, other Women’s Wellness Circles’ hosts from other locations, joined in to support the experience.

Thankfully, Chris Anne is very comfortable communicating authentically online, after developing her numerous tarot decks with an international Hay House team.

I am continually in awe of how Spirit works to support Circle!

We had such a special evening, connecting inward with a meditation, having a beautiful conversation on how we were experiencing the unfolding of the new conditions, and finally receiving a personal card message from Chris Anne.

We all wrapped up the gathering feeling just like we do when we meet in person – reconnected, uplifted and knowing we have others supporting us during all times.

Following this, all of the Women’s Wellness Circles’ hosts gathered for an online meeting to discuss how we can move forward in each of our respective communities this way, until we can come together in person.

Our hosts are magnificent leaders, and it is exciting to watch as we continue to connect with our groups.  The power of Circle and connection has not diminished in these times.  In fact it’s become extra important in a new way as social beings, to continue to invest into support and to invest into our mental and emotional health during this self-isolation period.

As well, the gift of slowing down and tuning in, for those of us not on the front lines, provides space to make new choices and to engage in learning and opportunities that uplift and support us. These conscious actions create healing ripples and a circle of support to all, just like a warm hug.

On that note, I would like to share a special Circle poem created by our Vaughan Women’s Wellness Circle Host, Terri Klein.


The Essence of Circle

A circle – an eternal bond.
A way to feel safe; to connect; to belong.

A circle of women – welcoming and inviting.
An intimate connection, both intriguing and exciting.

A women’s wellness circle –
A sacred space to gather and share.
A time for empowerment; a time for self-care.

A circle of love and support – a means of protection.
Enhancing both external and internal connection.

A shared experience – a hand to hold.
A continuous flow of positive energy. Yes, I’m sold.

For here we are valued – here we are heard,
Even if we choose not to say a word.

All can be felt – as our energies combine.
Together we grow; together we shine.

We are here for wellness – we are here to heal.
We each have permission, once again, to be real.

We invite you to join a virtual online Circle.  Reach out to the hosts and get more information.  Together we are stronger.

With much love on this re-setting journey,

Karen Armstrong

Reiki Master, Biophoton Light Therapist & Enneagram Coach

Recently I completed training to become the Women’s Wellness Circle host for the Ottawa-West area and was very excited to start preparing for my launch. With the unfolding of our current global events, much has shifted and been put “on hold”, including the launch date of my new Circle.

The past two weeks have been filled with many waves of emotion, shifting from feeling positive and optimistic to sad, angry, hopeless, fearful, overwhelmed and spiritually confused.

I’ve been allowing myself to be present to these waves and to feel, trusting my body and my experience, although sometimes anxiously waiting for it to end.  Eventually I experienced a shift to a place of inner peace and tranquility that has sustained. This space has offered me some clarity that I feel called to share.

My personality is governed by the archetype of “Seeker”, and my astrological sun sign is Aquarius.  Therefore, this whole issue of pandemic has me feeling called to dig deeper, search for greater meaning, direction and purpose.

I truly believe that every experience holds a different meaning and significance for each individual and that it is up to us to explore and discover what our experiences mean for our unique selves.

As a holistic nutritionist, my understanding of symptoms in the body is that they are simply messages… whispers or sometimes screams, drawing our attention to an imbalance. These symptoms are simply language, a way the body uses to communicate a need or an issue that needs to be addressed.

I view the Covid-19 virus as a symptom that is calling our attention to an underlying global issue, our relationship with this beautiful planet. I sense that the way humanity as a whole is interacting and inhabiting the planet is an imbalance that needs our attention.  Mama Earth has been expressing the need for our attention, consideration, care and support for some time.  Now she is speaking more clearly and directly than ever before.  The message I sense is this:

“People, Stop.  Look, Listen, Feel.  Stop the Distraction.  Open your Eyes, your Minds, your Hearts.  Connect inwardly. Dig those Heels into the Roots of the Earth.  Become one with Nature’s Pulse and Rhythm, the Home to our Collective Immunity. Unplug the devices.  Allow your nervous system to Settle, Ground and Relax.”

We have been instructed to socially isolate. I prefer to consider this a divine invitation to go inward and engage in self-care and to “cocoon” that has the capacity to naturally result in tremendous personal transformation.

This is a time to reconnect with our true selves, to investigate our personal values and what is meaningful to us, to reflect on the life we have created for ourselves and consider whether it aligns with our truth, and our heart and soul.

Choosing to trust this process means accepting that we are temporarily meant to distance from one another, knowing that we will reunite enlivened, recharged, and renewed, ready for deeper, more meaningful and productive connection.

Once we have done our work individually, we will be able to step forward as a collective and take incredible measures toward healing humanity and healing our planet.

I feel it. I believe it. Do you?

To assist us in this process of solitude, here are some practical self-care measures:

  • Eat whole, natural foods from the plant world. Plant foods not only provide nourishment but also increase our vibration, our energy and our essence.
  • Move your body in ways that feel gentle and natural. Stretching, yoga, dancing, walking.
  • Connect with nature. Walk, wander, hike, garden, explore.
  • Meditate, reflect, write, read, pray, breathe deeply.
  • Sing, listen to music, play, craft, laugh and love.
  • Choose carefully what and how much you engage online. In response to our social isolation, many online opportunities have been created. Some are wonderful ways to uplift, inspire and maintain some form of connection with one another. However, if not mindful, we can easily get lost amongst these opportunities and turn toward them as a way to deny, distract and numb.
  • Honour this time with sacred respect.  Practice letting go of attachment to outcome.  Some positive affirmations that work well for me are:  “I am willing to let go.  I release all tension, worry, fear and sorrow.  I let go, and I am at peace.  I am at peace with the process of life.  I am safe.”

Last but not least, let’s all look forward with positive anticipation to when we can all reunite in person. The celebrations, hugs and group sharing will be extra magical when the time comes!

A big thank you to Jill, for inviting me to be a part of the Women’s Wellness Circle family. I am truly honoured to be bringing this to life in Ottawa and look forward to sharing and connecting with a renewed sense of grace, insight, appreciation and gratitude once we are through this.

Much Love and respect,


Wellness Educator and Advisor