Collage concept photo of a silhouetted face and swirling colours

Historically women have been gathering in Circles for centuries. We are genetically wired to commune, share and nurture. This energy grows and spills over into our homes, our families, our communities.

Nothing can quite compare to having a genuine, safe, and welcoming place to feel seen, held, and to share in the splendor of mutual interests, learning, and growth, while honoring and hearing each other’s voices, needs and goals. In the space of wonderful female companionships, great things occur!

It may come to us as a nudge or inner voice that sounds like, “I need to get out more with friends”, “I need someone to talk to and share my thoughts”, “I feel alone”, “Do other people ever feel this way?”,” No one understands me”…  Regardless of the reason, women come together to discover and remember how wise, strong, and connected they truly are.

During the past historical days of the Red Tent, women supported each other as they spent their menstruation or child birthing time in sacred space tuning into their body’s rhythms, needs and wisdom.  This was a natural part of their everyday lives. Today, women continue to feel this call, and it comes in the shape of a Circle.

In Circle at the end of a long day, that may have tested us from every angle, women gently hold space for one another without conditions. It is a time of a warm welcome and a safe space to take off the ‘masks’ that we sometimes wear to fit in and to please others. Here we can come home to ourselves, learn from one another, and nurture our health, wellbeing, and heart centers. This longing and need for the support of sisterhood will never end; it is part of our genetics and lineage.

When I think of the women that come to Circle, I get emotional. They are my sisters. Whether our union is old or new, each Circle sister holds a very special place in my heart. Our souls truly recognize a sister in an instant!

More and more Circles of women are communing globally. Our inner guidance seems to know where to go when we feel lost, confused, unmotivated or overwhelmed. As we come together, our vibration rises; and we become bigger and brighter with each new face that enters this space.

While women have come together in physical circles since the beginning of time, that changed when the Covid pandemic hit. With so many restrictions to abide by, we felt isolated, lonely, and fearful.  We had no idea which way to turn. Yet we continued to know our truth and our need for connection.

So, we turned to Circle, this time virtually. Could we make this work? Would the pure and powerful energy we felt at our in-person Circles be experienced online as well? We knew we had to give it a try.

With relief and happiness, women were receptive to joining this virtual experience. And you know what? Our energetic connection shone through the ethers! Within a heartbeat, it was evident that our online Circle was another home to us. Plus, this online platform made it possible to gather people from all over the world, because time zones, travel, and borders were no longer a barrier.

Our solution to being separated was to enlarge our perspective and to choose to grow in new ways. Now we are stronger than ever! Our presence has expanded! We have more sharing, more offerings, and more confirmation of the value and need for Circle.

As many of our Women’s Wellness Circles are meeting once again in our community venues, we value the opportunity to hold hands, to share in heartfelt hugs and to experience the biofeedback that occurs when we are participating face-to-face.

Of course, our wonderful online Circles continue for those who live at a distance, have mobility issues, are caregivers, or simply prefer taking part from the comfort of their own home.

As with all Circles, whether in person or online, inspired presenters join us in this sacred space to share their unique gifts and perspectives. With these educational opportunities, we fill our wells with new ways to support our wholeness, to recharge and to connect.

The outer world can feel sharp and uncomfortable at times, causing us to react or retract. Being in Circle reminds us that we are always connected to a bigger source and greater resources. Imagine a pebble in water that is being rolled and tumbled by strong waves. The pebble doesn’t resist this force, so it naturally aligns into the same flow and rhythm. Eventually the sharp edges are smoothed, and the pebble becomes polished and strong.

Life can feel uncertain and overwhelming at times.  However, being part of Circle brings smoothness to our edges, reminding us of the strength in our flexibility and of how capable we are at rising to the challenges that inevitably occur.

There is a new energy that is emerging on our planet, a slow and deep rumble that is echoing our own inner awakenings. If you would like support, strength, and sisterhood to accompany you, just follow your calling to Circle.

To Sisterhood and Circling,

Debbie Armstrong

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