Statue of Gandhi

Years ago, when I was living and travelling throughout India for six months, I ate incredible food, saw amazing sites, and met wonderful locals and fellow travellers.

The highlight of it all was the memorable experiences of being invited to take part in various special events, including local festivals, a traditional Hindu wedding, a lecture with his Holiness, the Dalai Lama in Bodh Gaya, and a series of Spiritual Teachings offered through the Gandhi Memorial Museum in Madurai, South India.

If you have been to India before or have celebrated a holiday or special event with eastern Indians, you know this is a culture that takes festivity to a whole new level! Their lively music, bedazzled garments, tasty and spicy foods, and intricate, finely planned rituals are truly something to experience.

As I travelled from north to south, and east to west, I continued to grow fonder of this country which many refer to as the ‘Heart Chakra of Mother Earth’. I enjoyed the warmth and colour of their inspired architecture, the beautiful landscape, the spiritual energy, and its kind and curious people.

An extra special memory of my travels includes visiting Kanyakumari at the most southern tip of India. This is where the three bodies of water merge: the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, and the Bay of Bengal. According to many, it is one of nature’s most awe-inspiring sights and an ideal place to observe the breathtaking array of colours with sunrise and sunset.

Kanyakumari is also home to one of Mahatma Gandhi’s most important memorials. After he was assassinated in 1948 in New Delhi, his remains were cremated and sent to different regions of India. Before being placed in the sea, a portion of his ashes were put on display in Kanyakumari.

Gandhi Ji is referred to as Mahatma which means “Highly Respected Person” or “Great Soul.” The spirit of Gandhi Ji is truly woven throughout the fabric of India.


I was especially honoured to have the unique and special opportunity to attend a gathering hosted by the Gandhian Society in Madurai. The organization was honouring one of their esteemed members who had recently passed away and who happened to be a fellow Canadian.

During the ceremony, I was invited to share a prayer that I had learned years prior. It is officially called Gandhi’s Prayer for Peace.  However, for many years I have referred to it as The Gandhi Prayer.

I’d like to share it with you, along with the hand gestures that I learned as well.


I offer you peace  (hands in prayer position)
I offer you love  (hands over heart)
I offer you friendship  (hands held out, palms up)
I see your beauty  (one hand held above eye brows looking outward)
I hear your needs  (hand cupped behind ear, listening)
I feel your feelings  (both hands in front of body with fists clenched)
My wisdom flows from the highest Source  (raise arms upwards over head)
I salute that Source in you  (hands in prayer position with forward bow)
Let us work together  (one hand shakes the other)
For unity and peace  (hands in prayer position)


  • Start by noticing how you are feeling towards yourself and others.
  • Incorporating hand gestures is optional. If you do want to incorporate them, you’ll notice that one gesture flows into the next. You can use the ones I shared or make up your own.
  • You can recite this prayer on your own and simply imagine the person or people to whom you are saying it.
  • Sit or stand with another person or group, face to face, and look into each other’s eyes as you each recite the prayer to each other, with or without hand gestures. If you say the poem slowly and intentionally, you will find that others typically catch on easily. You can repeat it several times so everyone gets to look at one another, and the prayer becomes more familiar.
  • We are often in conflict within ourselves. One part of us may be at odds with another part of ourselves. Read the prayer allowing the parts of you in conflict to speak to each other.
  • Once you have gone through the process, notice how you are feeling and take note of what has changed.

Many people report feeling better afterwards, but there is no specific outcome that is meant to be achieved. Each time your experience may be different; that is okay. With practise, however, you will become more familiar with the prayer; and the words will take on more meaning. If you do incorporate hand gestures, those will become second nature; and the whole experience will continue to feel more natural and embodied.

While there is tremendous power in incorporating daily prayers and rituals into our own lives, there is also great benefit in sharing in these heartfelt practises and good intentions with others.

By reciting poems such as this, that engage others, and by joining in our Women’s Wellness Circles, you are investing in your growth and evolution and that of the collective consciousness as well.

Circles of Connection,


Founder & Mentor Women’s Wellness Circles

2 replies
  1. Linda Smibert
    Linda Smibert says:

    How inspiring Jill. And..if there were ever a time for pulling each other into collective is NOW.
    We are also in a time where technology can be used to promote good or not. the wellness gatherings can grow in this time.
    Thankyou for your long visio Jill and your glow. We can be a part of something exciting and meaningful.


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